After a turbulent past few years in the finance markets and the world in general people may be forgiven for thinking that commercial funding isn’t available and for some that’s still true BUT there is light at the end of the tunnel. Although the festive spirit is now upon us, lenders will still be strict. … Read more

With the economic situation still in a state of flux, and the financial markets looking rocky, it’s difficult to see when the current state of affairs will end. This in turn is reflecting on the banking sector making them very nervous, so its not surprising that the high street banks will more than likely miss … Read more

With the continued reluctance for UK banks to lend in your sector, Fry might have thrown you a vital life line to help grow your business, operate alongside your existing bank facilities and compliment current relationships, Fry Online Finance is here. Financing chip shops needs a specialist who understands the mechanics of your business and … Read more

Often fish and chip shops completely overlook the benefits of equipment leasing that can complement existing bank facilities especially in the current climate. Mark Johnson from Fry Online Finance suggests the way in which businesses fund expansion needs to be given a thorough overhaul. Despite leasing offering among the most tax efficient methods of funding, … Read more

After spending nine years with VA Whitley selling food and consumables to fish and chips shops, Carl Heery finally had enough of travelling up and down motorways. With a passion for the industry and a long standing dream of opening a shop, he decided to bite the bullet and in February 2010 negotiated a price … Read more

The latest Finance & Leasing Association (FLA) figures show that asset finance lending increased by 25% to £1.7 billion in May compared to the same time last year, with around 1,000 small businesses taking out equipment finance every day. “It’s great news that more and more small businesses are seeing the advantages of assent finance … Read more

Fry Finance has created a strong national brand and is becoming the first port of call for clients of the chip shop sector who need quick access to funds on a short-term basis. “Complete Transparency” Clients from a wide variety of disciplines choose to work with Fry Finance because of our strong commitment to transparency … Read more

Leo Bakier has run fish and chip shops in the past but, after taking some time out, decided the time was now right to open a shop again with his partners Simon and Dana. After seeing our advert in Fry Monthly magazine and phoning, we’ve been able to secure him invaluable finances to assist with … Read more

Small businesses used brokers to access more than £700 million worth of asset finance during December, January and February, according to the latest figures from the Finance & Leasing Association, the trade body for the asset finance industry. Broker-introduced asset finance was up by 31% in the three months to February, from £547m last year, … Read more