Leo Bakier has run fish and chip shops in the past but, after taking some time out, decided the time was now right to open a shop again with his partners Simon and Dana. After seeing our advert in Fry Monthly magazine and phoning, we’ve been able to secure him invaluable finances to assist with the purchase of all the equipment for the new shop. This not only includes a Mallinson’s 2 pan counter range but also EPOS, CCTV and all the associated equipment that a fish and chip shop operating in today’s market needs to be successful.
Once a derelict sandwich shop, in Sale, Manchester, Leo has transformed the site into The Lighthouse Fish Bar, a modern shop with striking black and white branding. “It needed totally gutting right down to the foundations as everything we touched, fell apart. It’s a fantastic looking shop now and probably has the highest spec in the country,” remarks a very proud Leo.
By using Fry Finance, Leo was able to keep some cash reserve back which he has used to secure a second shop that will be opening in March this year. Again, we are arranging the finance for a full fit out of the new shop.
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