Case Study: Johnson Reed makes sure the sun shines in Bridgend

Johnson Reed
1m read

Bridgend in South Wales is situated near to some of the best beaches in the UK. But the good old British climate means that they’re not always appealing to visit. However, Johnson Reed has played a large part in making sure that the sun shines for 365 days of the year by financing £150,000 worth of sunbeds for a new state-of-the-art salon in the town.

The salon equipment leasing has enabled the beauty salon owners to offer the latest top-of-the-range sunbeds, which comply with the most recent regulations, making sure that this business is here for the long term. With our help, they were able to commit to brand new Ergoline sunbeds that are installed in eight cubicles in a new building. The machines feature powerful curves and dramatic colours, combined with mood lighting to enhance the atmosphere. Their optimised performance ensures an even more sumptuous tanning result. The premises also house two rooms for beauty and nail technician services.

The partners in this new venture have been in the beauty sector for some time and they’ve gone to great lengths to ensure that their salon offers quality equipment and professional services. The business opened this month, and is set to give the residents of Bridgend the chance of an early tan for summer.