Loans for your business with Johnson Reed

Johnson Reed
1m read

Did you know?

We can now provide loans for your business

As you will have heard, George Osborne has announced his plans to cut corporation tax from its current 20% to just 15%, making Britain one of the most competitive global economies.
Photo © M.Holland
The Chancellor hopes that this will encourage investors and businesses to continue trading with the UK, despite its decision to leave the European Union.
This is just a note to assure you that we are here for your business when you need us.
We can provide your business with an unsecured loan for any purpose. Whether you’re looking for a short term VAT or Corporation Tax Loan, or a longer-term cash injection for your business, we have a solution that doesn’t affect your banking facilities and helps you keep your cash during these challenging times. What’s more, the funds can be available to you in just 24 hours.
As ever, we’re just a phone call away and we provide a viable solution to drive your business forward, and remain very much ‘open for business’.
Contact the team for more information.