Oh for a life on the ocean waves

Johnson Reed
1m read

Just about as far away from the sea as you can get in this country, a life on the ocean waves is what many people must be wishing for in Dudley, West Midlands. Local couple, Spiros and Maria Bijouri however, have got a step nearer to that dream by opening a new fish and chip restaurant and calling it ‘The Ocean Basket’.

It’s nowhere near the ocean, but it is in a very good location in what was an old pub building, next to Dudley’s glass museum. Spiros and Maria are established fish and chip shop operators, so they knew how to go about raising chip shop finance for the cooking range and catering equipment that they needed to make their latest venture a reality.

They came to Johnson Reed for a three-year loan to purchase some Hopkins high efficiency equipment. It was quite a large deal, but we didn’t make a charge on their property and we used our own funds. It meant that the couple could avoid approaching banks, and we could get them up and running very quickly, with a minimum of paperwork.

We’re always keen to support start-up businesses and it’s good to know that, by investing in some of the best specialist catering kit on the market, Spiros and Maria will be able to further enhance their reputation in a very competitive field (or should that be ‘ocean’?)