Better cash flow helps new chippie venture

Johnson Reed
1m read

Johnson Reed is well known for its expertise in catering. In particular, we have quite a track record of supplying fish and chip shop frying ranges. We also know how critical it is to observe lead times when it comes to new build or refurbishment projects. Delays can hurt budgets and cause untold frustrations to all concerned.

Take the case of Beeches Chip Shop in the sleepy village of Boston Spa near Leeds. Andrew Beecher, the proprietor, together with his property investors, was able to invest considerable funds into the venture, but just needed some final help with the equipment, for which we supplied £25,000 over 36 months. Unfortunately the refurbishment, as so often happens, over-ran and Andrew was very appreciative of our help in improving his cash flow at a crucial stage, by supplying the frying range for him.

Andrew said of the deal:

We were delighted that we only had to provide limited information. We are hands-on people and Mark came to the location and could also see the potential. I am delighted with the help Johnson Reed provided and we will be using Mark and Johnson Reed for our next location, which is already in development.

With the River Wharfe running through the village, as well as the usual fare of cod and halibut, Andrew could perhaps offer some interesting variants from his new frying range – bream, trout, roach, perch, grayling, eels…