Meeting the demands of meat wholesaling

Johnson Reed
1m read

At Johnson Reed, we love meat wholesalers. As a rule, they require lots of equipment, they want it quickly and they need it to be utterly reliable. Things like mixers, bandsaws, fish skinners, meat derinders, sausage fillers and tenderisers – we understand how important the right machinery is. And we know just the right people to supply these specialist pieces of kit.

Superior Food Machinery is one of the UK’s major suppliers of food processing and packaging machinery. They hand pick specific partners throughout Europe to find machines most suited to the UK market, and they offer high quality engineering with excellent support schemes.

We selected SFM to supply some fillers and grinders as part of a catering equipment leasing package worth £9,900 to a livestock services company in the Midlands. This has enabled them to improve their operations and meet increased customer demands, at the same time as appreciating not having to use a bank and having no charge on their property or personal guarantees.

And if you want to know how to do it yourself – here’s a picture of an SFM beefburger machine that could sit quite happily in your kitchen. The ideal solution to feeding the kids after school.