JR offers insight into the next five years

Following the recent Labour landslide and last Wednesday’s King’s speech, we have digested and dissected Labour’s manifesto to understand what the finance sector and SME market might face over Starmer’s term. Mark Johnson, Director of Johnson Reed Business Finance, was asked for a “positive” take. With his usual wit, he replied, “Well, it can’t get … Read more

Schools In! For leasing

Exciting times ahead! Schools can now acquire equipment through lease finance! We’re thrilled to introduce new accounting rules that open up leasing options tailored specifically for local authority-funded schools. Leasing isn’t just a game-changer; it’s the key to unlocking the equipment and facilities needed to deliver top-notch education. Thanks to the Department for Education’s (DfE) … Read more

New year, new cheer: Business confidence at its highest in January for nearly a decade! ‘The strongest start to a new year since 2016’ reports Lloyds Bank’s monthly business confidence index with businesses beginning 2024 in upbeat fashion.

New year, new cheer: Business confidence at its highest in January for nearly a decade! ‘The strongest start to a new year since 2016’ reports Lloyds Bank’s monthly business confidence index with businesses beginning 2024 in upbeat fashion. Interest rate cuts and lower inflation has meant the figure has risen nine points to 44%, from … Read more

Self-Assessment Funding and how YOU can use it

Self-Assessment Tax is due annually on 31st January, and straight after Christmas, can add another headache on top of the January blues. However, there are now options for businesses and individuals to help spread the cost of their Self-Assessment Tax rather than having to fork out one whole lump sum. Self-Assessment Funding is available and … Read more

Filling the Funding Void Felt by Fitness Facilities

In an industry still feeling somewhat uneasy recently due to its unpredictability; the pre-COVID boom halted by the pandemic, now continuing through soaring overheads, interest rates and inflation, it’s important to focus on what you can control. Companies should be getting investment ready, not waiting for things to improve. To succeed, businesses need to keep … Read more

Everyone knows that cashflow management is make or break for businesses, especially at the beginning of a business journey. Funding is a key component in transferring an idea into a successful business entity and start-up costs/trading differs across industry, size and ambition. This means making the right funding choices at the right time is critical. … Read more

Filling the funding challenges faced by SMEs

When Johnson Reed was established, almost 20 years ago now, we noticed the distance between SMEs financial requirements and support offered by high-street banks growing larger by the day. That’s why our mission since 2005 hasn’t changed. We want to become the finance partner of choice for SMEs, who are the beating heart of the … Read more

More and more SME’s choosing asset finance over traditional bank funding – here’s why. Figures released by the Finance & Leasing Association (FLA) have shown a 13% growth in total asset finance new business (leasing and hire purchase) in comparison to same month in 2022 (May). The UK’s asset finance industry has displayed resolve, a … Read more

Whether you’re a new start embarking on an exciting new business venture, or a long-term supplier offering finance as an alternative, we at Johnson Reed aim to help every business with their finance requirements. Here’s JR’s Guidance to our Financial Services.   Suppliers Being able to offer finance is a valuable sales tool and protective … Read more

Business confidence rebounds to a 13-month high in the first half of June, up to 37% and up nine points from previous month. This is the biggest monthly rise for some time after last month’s dip according to Lloyds Bank Business Barometer. Furthermore, in the Chancellor’s annual speaking slot in the City of London outlined … Read more